Best Friends Forever Portrait Fotografin Burghausen

"Best Friends are the people
you can do anything and nothing with
and still have the best time."

Beste Freundinnen seit über 20 Jahren - das musste endlich mal in Bildern festgehalten werden. An einem der letzten sonnigen, warmen Herbsttage machten wir gemeinsam die Altstadt von Burghausen unsicher. :-)

Best friends since over 20 years - that needed to be preserved in photographs! It was one of the last sunny warm autumn days this year that we painted the old-town of Burghausen red.
So much love and fun and laughter - I keep smiling when I think about this shoot.
Thank you girls!!!

Dekoration: Kerstin Bischof. Fotografiert auf Kodak Film, dev/scan Carmencita Film Lab